Invoice to:

Pixeel Ltd.

Unit 25 Suite 3, 925 Prospect PI
United Kingdom

Client Info:

  • First name: Alexandar
  • Last name: Joshua
  • Country: United States
  • DOB: 05/07/1989

Payment Details:

  • Bank name: Payoneer
  • Account number: 32562941093
  • SWIFT code: PGA2107
  • V.A.T Reg: 77BHM399100

# Invoice No


# Invoice Date

27 May 2017

# Invoice Account


Ref Item description Quantity Unit price Total

External storage

Whether through commerce or just an experience to tell your brand's story.

2 $379.00 $758.00

Samsung Notebook 9

Whether through commerce or just an experience to tell your brand's story.

4 $643.00 $2,572.00

Logitech Mouse

Whether through commerce or just an experience to tell your brand's story.

7 $105.00 $735.00
  • Subtotal

    : $4,077
  • VAT 5%

    : $25
  • Discount 15%

    : $611.55
  • Address: 25, Prospect 55,
    Orange California, United States
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 800 123 3456
  • Fax: 800 123 3457

Grand Total

: $3,465.45

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