Builder app

Builder app allows you easily create custom PixelAdmin bundles.

Before using Builder app you need to install Node.js and Git. See the Introduction page.
In Ubuntu Linux you also need to install libgconf-2-4 package:
sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4

Supported platforms

Builder is available in three versions:

Windows (32-bit)


Linux(Ubuntu) (64-bit)


Mac OS X (64-bit)


Selecting destination path

If you want to create a new bundle, choose the destination folder and specify unique build directory.

You can use Builder app to update version of an existing bundle - just choose an existing build directory path.

NOTE: Files in the custom directory will not be affected.

Selecting components

Select required components. You do not need to worry about dependencies - all dependencies between components will be handled automatically.


The "Options" tab lets you configure build/compilation process:

Before each compilation of CSS sources will be removed:

Before each compilation of JS sources will be removed:


NOTE: After each compilation Builder app removes the gulp-sass package from the node_modules directory. This is necessary because the application has its own Node.js version and you will get Node.js version mismatch error if you try to compile sources using the terminal. So after each compilation you need to run npm install command from the build directory (of course if you plan to compile sources manually).

Click on the start button and wait for the building process end.


Still have a question or problem? You can try to find the solution or create an issue at