Invoice Printable Invoice Page

SmartAdmin WebApp 227 Cobblestone Road 30000 Bedrock, Cobblestone County


# 1
Issue Date: 05/04/2019
Due Date: 05/25/2019
Net: 21
Currency: USD
P.O. # 1/3-147
Bill to:
Slate Rock and Gravel Company
222 Rocky Way
30000 Bedrock, Cobblestone County
+555 7 123-5555
[email protected]
Attn: Fred Flintstone
Item Description Unit Cost Qty Total
1 Origin License Extended License $999.00 1 $999.00
2 Custom Services Instalation and Customization (cost per hour) $150.00 20 $3,000.00
3 Hosting 1 year subcription $499.00 1 $499.00
4 Platinum Support 1 year subcription 24/7 $3,999.00 1 $3,999.00
Subtotal $8,497.00
Discount (20%) $1,699.40
VAT (10%) $679.76



Paid $0

Amount Due


Fred, thank you very much. We really appreciate your business.
Please send payments before the due date.

Payment details: ACC:123006705 IBAN:US100000060345 SWIFT:BOA447